3 things you should know about indigo dyeing workshops
1. Have visitors experience "tie-dyeing".
I. Have a simple tie-dyeing experience using only a cord.
II. give out clothes and at the same time introduce about 3 patterns of tie-dyeing know-how.
2. Use "plastic bags" for dyeing
I. Soak the cloth in a plastic bag to reduce the possibility of staining.
II. rub the cloth for about 10 minutes when soaking in the indigo solution to make the pattern clear
3. Finally, "sun-drying" on a vinyl sheet as shown in the following pictures
I. Placing the vinyl sheet on the road or in a part of the park simplifies the cleaning.
II. Tie-dye works will be lined up and used as an exhibition.
III. encourage people to soak their shibori in vinegar to stop the color after they return home